The construction of your new home is a process that is no different from the other processes needed to build products from cars to furniture. Everything we make starts with a plan and ends with a product. The better the plan is getting better products.
In the construction of your new home, you will come into contact with many scientific disciplines such as developers, design and professional planning, builders, inspectors, and all disciplines in such as plumber, electricity, excavators, etc.
This is a general belief by many people who eliminate some of these important processes which somehow money will be saved. One of the most targeted areas for people who believe will save money is the elimination of the plan of the process.
In paragraphs to follow I hope to educate and explain how a series of quality plans are not only important to complete the construction process, but how to set the quality of plans prepared professionally will actually pay for themselves and put money in your pocket.
Most of the region of the country requires a construction plan to obtain building permits.
The responsibility of the building official is to ensure security, energy efficiency, and project accessibility. We demand fundamental things in every car we buy, so why do some people try hard to avoid the same basic security, efficiency, and accessibility standards in our homes with no plans prepared professionally?
During the construction process, just enter, the quality of the quality pay itself many times.
Material estimates on the side are not possible from simple sketches on graph paper or napkins. Yes I have seen clients with sketches on napkins for plans! Estimating material without detailed details in one thing, guess. And you can be sure that “Guess” will not support you or save money.
Tens of thousands of dollars wasted in this field by not having a series of competing detailed log home plans, with lost dollars increasing with the cost of the project.
The builder relies on a log plan to do their work, the Assembly. Without competent log home design, builders like estimators must be “guessing” about how to assemble your home. Guess the cost of your money.
Imagine the floor system in your new home. There are many ways to build floors and costs can range from $ 4,000 to up to $ 10,000.00. Builder without plans to assemble the floor at a cost of $ 10,000.00. However, a set of plans prepared professionally can specify how to assemble the same floor with $ 4,000.00 saves $ 6,000.00! Do you pay $ 3,000.00 for a set of packages that saves $ 6,000.00? You bet you will! Now double these efficiency in design in all components at home!
Imagine a builder must guess how you want your home to see and function. You live with the interpretation of Builder from your home or you make a builder change what you don’t like through the order of change. Change the order is charged a large amount of money, thousands of dollars in fees, all of which can be removed in the process of home design logs before construction!
There is always a big misunderstanding in housing construction that because builders can assemble houses, home design logs and plans to be trivial and unnecessary. Think about individuals who assemble cars on the assembly line. Of course these people can assemble and build cars like builders can gather and build houses. But imagine a car factory without a design team or plan to follow, where each assembler decides how to unite the part. Will you buy the product so? I won’t and you don’t have to do it because you deserve more for the money you spend.